Professional Speaker & Trainer
Certified in Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and DiSC Behavioral Style programs
For over 25 years, Kathleen Deal has educated and entertained audiences from industries as diverse as animal health, law enforcement, scientists, attorneys, and health care professionals. Her seminars and keynotes encompass an extensive cadre of professional, leadership and communication skills.
Link Your Way to Victory! Keynote
When the doctor called in the middle of a homicide trial, a battle of a different sort began for Kathleen Deal, the prosecutor – a tough battle with cancer. Kathleen determined from the start to don the spirit of a warrior and claim victory. That was 22 years and many valuable lessons ago! Kathleen shares one of the powerful techniques she utilized – LINKING one challenge to another to achieve victory.
Most Requested Workshops
Championship Tip
Championship Tip
This week’s Championship Tip is taken from one of my workshops, Transition Management. This topic was originally developed for United States Department of Justice personnel. With the election, shuffling of personnel and positions occurs, creating anxiety which can affect performance. This workshop was tailored for business as well as government agencies.
“Ears perk up” with these tips on Creating Resilience. Participants are equipped with proven techniques for creating resilience in themselves and co-workers or clients. Here is a sampling, within each applicable exercises and discussion occur:
Similar to a trapeze artist, are you or your people in the NEUTRAL ZONE of transition or change?
Change has been identified – awareness exists
Implementation has started
Time in between – must let go of one bar to go to the next
Organizations with which I've worked

From start to finish, Kathleen Deal captures and holds attention! You don’t want to leave!
Enthusiastic and passionate. You were a hit!
Conference attendees raved about Kathleen’s session, which was standing room only, interactive and relevant to day-today situations. We’d love to have her back!
Kathleen did a great job engaging an audience of over 100 people and made it feel like an intimate group where people felt safe to ask questions, share their challenging experiences as well as solutions that did or did not work.